Upcoming artist Jack Monaghan tells on his latest single ‘Open up’

Upcoming artist Jack Monaghan on his latest single 'Open Up'

Jack Monaghan, 22, is an upcoming artist from Nottingham and has just released his first debut single ‘Open up.’ 

His EP ‘Wallowing in Self Pity’ is set to be released on the 19th November. 

From a young age Jack always loved music, with his inspirations ranging from the Arctic Monkey’s, Amy Winehouse, Jake Bugg and Oasis. 

He said: “It was always my first dream to be a singer; singing along in the car to Mum’s Duran Duran or Dad’s Oasis records. 

“I used to put on gigs at family parties singing along to Mcfly and Take That but I’d say my music taste has changed dramatically since then.” 

Our Head of Online, Shannon Samecki, spoke to Jack about his new music, the inspiration behind the song and what’s next for him. 

What inspired your song ‘Open Up’?

Open Up is giving advice to people who are suffering from various different Mental Health problems and letting them know it’ll be alright. From going through Mental Health myself, it’s so important to speak up and be open about it. Originally I got the title from wanting to write a song that would be a great opening track, however I’m so proud of the song that ended up on paper. Mixing an important message with the rock n roll sound of the song I think is brilliant.

How was the whole process of creating your song/EP as a new artist?

I had no intention of recording this EP. It’s something I’ve wanted to do but never really had the opportunity to record. My best mate came to stay with me in London to do a music production course, brought his equipment down and we both were like why not. I had the songs written so we got down to it and got them recorded. Joe Davies has done an amazing job producing these songs, they sound amazing. I wrote In My Head in 2017, Open Up in 2018 and then Complicated this year. So the basis has been laid down for a while. I’m just really looking forward to getting these tracks out there and seeing how it goes.

Jack Monaghan, 22, has just released his first single 'Open up.'

Your song ‘Open up’ features a range of instruments, did you play these?

Joe Davies did all of that. I feel bad that I can’t really contribute other than the vocals and writing, but I suppose that’s important too. Joe’s a great guitarist so we got the basics down and then added the rest of the instruments along the way. I’ve been wanting to learn guitar for years but I always end up getting frustrated and giving my guitars away!

As a new artist, what made you venture into achieving a music career?

It’s just something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve been to various different Performing Arts and Acting schools and throughout the years and the buzz of performing music on stage is incredible. Whether that be Music or Acting. But having a crowd singing your songs, chanting, there’s nothing I can compare that feeling to. I’ve got to a stage now where basically why not give it ago, I feel like I’ve got a lot to give and if I say so myself, the songs I’ve written are pretty decent.

Have you had any previous experience with music?

I tried setting up a band before, it didn’t really go to plan. In my Head and Open Up were intended for that band so we managed to put the music to lyrics on those tracks, which has made it easier this time round. Although it didn’t end how I wanted it, it was a great experience and learning curve on how the industry works. We managed to play some great gigs and if anything its given me the hunger this time around to achieve the dream.

What’s next for you? 

Well the EP, Wallowing In Self Pity is coming out next week, I’m excited to see what the response is from that. From there, who knows! I’m in touch with a few labels who may take me on. I’d like to gig definitely, hopefully I can get a band together soon and then get out there and show the world what they’re missing! I have an album worth of songs written already so new music will never be far away from here. The dream is to get signed, play Rock City, Headline Glastonbury and sell out Knebworth!

To listen to the track ‘Open up’ on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3Vq4fX6wQLzEOIWyjoAObY?si=3_rwqWs_THGH9IPZyyEGAg

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/XopCo1bSGvs4VuGg7

By Shannon Samecki 

Image credits: Jack Monaghan 

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